

Traditionally, moviescripts are usually sold by the writer through written pitches, meetings with producers and executives, and sometimes even through a script reading or presentation. However, Yvonne Padmos is breaking the mold with her new and creative approach to selling her filmscripts.

Book 2024


Yvonne's decision to step in front of the camera during pitch meetings adds a whole new dimension to the pitching process. By giving potential buyers a visual representation of her story's potential on the big screen, Yvonne is able to truly bring her vision to life and showcase the power and emotion behind her words.

50 movies

Before 50

While some may see Yvonne's move as unconventional, there is no denying the impact it will have on her selling potential. By showcasing her talents as both a writer and an actress, Yvonne is able to create a unique and immersive experience for buyers, allowing them to fully understand the depth and complexity of her stories.

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Film script Auction 2024

Yvonne's innovative approach to selling filmscripts is just another example of her creative genius and dedication to her craft. With her talent, passion, and unique vision, Yvonne Padmos is sure to make a lasting impression on the world of film and continue to push boundaries in the industry.

Small actress play

Message Yvonne

"Hallo! I'm so excited to present my latest filmscript to you today. As the writer, I've poured my heart and soul into this project, crafting a story that is sure to captivate audiences everywhere. And guess what? I've also had the pleasure of being the actress in the pitch! But don't worry, I won't be starring in the actual film – that's for the professionals. I just wanted to show you a new and innovative way of presenting filmscripts. So sit back, relax, and let me take you on a journey through the pages of my script. You won't be disappointed!"